Ontario Roof Consultants & Associates


    Ontario Roof Consultant’s & Associates provides service across Ontario, covering both urban and rural areas for various types of projects, including construction, renovation, repair, inspection, and maintenance.

    Our roof consultants have extensive experience and knowledge in the roofing industry and can help you with design, specifications, quality assurance, testing, and troubleshooting. We deliver high quality results with customized services that meet your budget and expectations.

    Contact us today to schedule a consultation.

About Us

For 30 years Ontario Roof Consultants & Associates has functioned as an independent firm providing objective and unbiased roofing solutions to a diverse group of clients nationwide. In our position as professional roof consultants we have no affiliations with material manufacturers or Roofing Contractors. This allows us to perform with unbiased opinions and make recommendations based on the findings and solution requirements rather than other pre-arranged commitments. Further to this, products are recommended or specified based on performance as previously experienced and/or suitability to perform the required application.

With a dedicated, well experienced staff, we provide quality consulting services encompassing every phase of the roof management process. Our experience includes all aspects of Single-Ply membranes such as PVC, TPO and EPDM, Built-up Roofing Systems, various types of Metal Roofing Systems, as well as Roof Restorations and Retrofit Roofing Systems. In recent years, due to the popularity of the “FIT” program (Net Metering) we have also been engaged to provide expertise and supervision relating to Roof Replacements prior to Solar installations.

Ontario Roof Consultants & Associates offers Condition Assessments, Forensic Investigations, Maintenance recommendations, Specifications and Design creation, Budget preparation as well Construction Management and Quality Control.

Ontario Roof Consultants & Associates also offers Roof Link, a comprehensive, real time database which enhances our ability to help manage your roofing assets to achieve their anticipated life cycle as well as to provide input when considering responsible solutions to current and future roofing needs.

Allowing Ontario Roof Consultants to perform as your Consultant is your assurance of achieving quality service, dedicated effort and skillful performance. We are committed to our client’s best interests while handling all consulting needs expediently and professionally.

Sloped Metal Roof

Why Hire a Roof Consultant?

  • A Roof Consultant has experience and expertise in maintaining, repairing and replacing various roof systems.
  • A Consultant provides impartial assessments, cost effective recommendations and will ensure a high level of quality control during all phases of the roof management process.
  • A Roof Consultant will assist an owner in developing the most appropriate maintenance/replacement plans for their roof systems. Service needs will change over time and a Consultant will monitor the performance of a roof through various measures and provide critical roofing data that can be quickly accessed to support better decision making. Roof assessments will address all aspects of the roof asset performance including items such as the roof membrane condition, drainage, substrate conditions, flashings, sheet metal details and overall waterproofing properties. Recommendations will be provided along with priorities and budgetary costing.
  • In the event roof replacement is required a Roof Consultant will navigate the process of the roof system selection, design and materials. They will prepare a specification customized to meet all your roofing requirements. Acting as a representative of the owner price is not influenced by the profits to be gained by material suppliers and/or manufacturers. You will have peace of mind knowing the project is being handled with your goals a priority and your budgets being of primary concern.
  • A Roof Consultant will recommend a list of qualified contractors to bid on a replacement project and oversee the tendering process ensuring a fair procedure for both the owner and contractor. When the contractor commences work, the Consultant will inspect materials and work to ensure the installation satisfies the specification. The Consultant will also handle any unforeseen issues that may arise throughout the construction process and perform final inspections.
  • Roof Consultants will develop preventative maintenance programs to enhance the longevity of your existing or new roof system.
  • A consultant will develop a roof management program to effectively manage your roof portfolio and provide routine preventative and remedial repairs with the intent to assure the anticipated life cycle of your roof is realistic and achievable.


What we offer


Roof System Selection & Roof Design

Whether your roof system requires maintenance, repair or replacement our Consultants will design the most appropriate solution to meet your objectives and budget.

A roof service life varies with type and maintenance history. Our goal is to extend this life for as long as possible, but when replacement is required we provide you with all the necessary information to make the most cost effective and informed decision for the roof system best suited to your needs.


Preparation of Specifications and Drawings

Our knowledge and combined years of experience within the roofing industry provides us with a proven ability to prepare specifications customized for your unique roofing requirements. Our detailed specifications act as a guideline to ensure a successful repair or installation is achieved and our intent is to eliminate the potential of unforeseen conditions which can add additional expense to your roofing project. Each specification is tendered to reputable contractors with a proven history of quality workmanship and all installations are supervised by qualified ORC personnel.

Our roof plans are detailed representations of your roof system and presented in a format to provide clarity and understanding.


Forensic Investigation, Surveys & Infrared Thermography

In order to accurately assess the condition of your roof system Ontario Roof Consultants utilizes the best technologies in moisture detection. Our critical investigation will identify the condition of your existing membrane, insulation, decking and rooftop details. Results identified will ascertain the life cycle of each roof section and recommendations will be made offering the most cost effective solutions to maintain, repair, restore, retro-fit or replace the roof system as the roof analysis warrants.


Construction Management & Quality Control

Quality assurance and control is an important aspect of all roofing projects. Our standards are high and our results proven. Ontario Roof Consultants has special expertise in maintaining quality control measures such as establishing project schedules, inspecting materials and monitoring installation to ensure its compliance with industry standards and specification documents. Non-compliance issues will be immediately addressed and we will ensure all work under our supervision is completed properly, within reasonable time frames and on budget.


Leak Service & Integrated Activity Reporting

Searching for a reliable contractor to investigate and repair leak events can be a challenge. Acting as your Consultant we can immediately address water infiltration issues by dispatching qualified contractors. Our administrative procedures and field activity has been designed to protect our clients from substandard roof practices, repetitive service calls and expensive roof repairs with an emphasis on reducing costs. Utilizing RoofLink, a comprehensive service program, we encompass every phase of the roof management process resulting in proactive solutions to enhance roof performance to extend service life which ultimately reduces life cycle costs.


Budget Preparation & Projection

With our roof management program clients are assured the essential information necessary to effectively predict and control costs over the long term. This in turn allows you to be responsible to your long-term planning as it relates to financial expenditure commitments to asset management.

Exclusive Warranty Program

Ontario Roof Consultants & Associates can provide our clients access to a third party non- prorated comprehensive roof system warranty.


Operating Coast to Coast

Roof Management Service Corporation
Les Conseillers et Associés en Toiture du Québec

P.O. Box 269, Station Brooklin, Brooklin, Ontario L1M 1B5

Tel: 1-888-264-1195 or 905-686-3325

Fax: 905-686-3325
